Official Website

Forest Department

Government of Sindh
Official Website

Forest Department

Government of Sindh

Date & Time:

2025/03/29 01:31 AM

Our Objectives

To ensure and achieve the following objectives.

1. Governance:

The governance of forestry is improved with corresponding increase in government commitment, capacity, resolve and motivation for ensuring an effective and accountable implementation of the Forest policy;

2. Climate Change Mitigation and Ecosystem Services:

Address climate change mitigation and adaptation in forestry, agriculture and urban areas through harnessing the opportunities under the available mechanisms such as, REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation plus), promoting carbon sinks on designated forestlands, farmlands and urban greens.

3. Riverine Forests and Irrigated Plantations:

The state-owned riverine forests and irrigated plantations are fully restituted, reforested and managed in the most sustainable and efficient ways, to enhance tree crop for climate change mitigation and Carbon-off setting / trading.

4. Mangrove Forests:

Mangrove ecosystem(s) of Sindh are continued to be conserved, restored, expanded and sustainably managed as key natural assets supporting human-wellbeing, security of the coastal communities, mitigating climate change and realization of revenue through carbon trading;

5. Rangelands:

The ecosystem values and benefits of the rangelands designated as 'protected forests' are enhanced;

6. Demarcation and re-notification of state forest lands:

The boundaries of riverine forests, irrigated plantations, mangroves and rangelands are geo-referenced and re-notified to ward off the issues of illegal allotments and landownership conflicts.

7. Social Forestry (Private, Community and Municipal Lands):

Social forestry extends to more of the public, community, private and urban lands, either as a single dominant use or in combination with other land-uses, increasing the forest/tree cover in Sindh and benefiting more of the rural and urban populace. The social forestry set up will be extended to Tehsil / Taluka levels. Allocation of separate budget to social forestry to develop nurseries to take care of all Sindh government plantation requirements.

8. Forestry Research and Education:

Scientific research and education in forestry, non-timber forestry produce and wildlife is promoted for pragmatic conservation, planning, capacity building of forestry establishment and generating career opportunities for graduating students and researchers.

9. Institutional Strengthening:

The network of field offices of forestry department is established, where needed rehabilitated, reformed, strengthened, and supported for effective implementation of the Forest Policy.

10. National and Global Concerns and Opportunities

The management of forestry resources is aligned with national and global policies related to forestry, biodiversity and climate change such as SDGs, Aichi1 Biodiversity Targets, Paris Climate Agreement (2015), and other multilateral environmental agreements to which Pakistan is a signatory