Official Website

Forest Department

Government of Sindh
Official Website

Forest Department

Government of Sindh

Date & Time:

2025/03/29 01:26 AM

Education & Training

Forest & Wildlife Training School Miani

Forest and Wildlife Training School, Miani, came into existence during 1984, with basic objective to train the lower formation of field staff i-e Forest Guards and Game Watchers. A 6 month’s training course was designed to train forest guards and game watchers. Alternate sessions were managed for Forest Guards serving in Sindh Forest Department and for Game Watchers serving in Sindh Wildlife Department during a year.  

Infrastructure provided to this school consisted over an Administrative Block, Class room and a hostel for stay of course participants. However, with passage of time, all the premises got worst in condition due to poor governance and major chunk of area was encroached by local people. With change of administration, all the encroachments are vacated and this school has been restored and re-furbished competing with modern era of education and training. 

Up till now more than 800 forest guards and 400 game watchers have attained this certificate course and got professional field training at this school. Besides, 3000 farmers have been trained in nursery raising and tree planting techniques under various development projects. The school is equipped with teaching and extension materials.

Besides renovation of building infrastructure, all the area under premises of school, is planted with trees and fruit orchards.


Besides, imparting training to Forest Guards and Game watchers, Diploma Certificate Course for Foresters has been started from session 2023. Previously, for training of Foresters, they were being sent to Forest School at Bahawalpur.
After 18th Amendment, Graduation / training of Range Forest Officer, is to be imparted by Sindh Forest Department. Efforts are under way to establish a Forest Training Academy at Miani.