Official Website

Forest Department

Government of Sindh
Official Website

Forest Department

Government of Sindh

Date & Time:

2025/03/29 01:28 AM

Message from Chief Conservator of Riverine & Inland Forests, Forest & Wildlife Department, Government of Sindh

Welcome to the website of Sindh Forest Department. This website serves as an information gateway for those who want to know about working of Sindh Forest Department and grasp about forestry issues in the province of Sindh. We strived to provide best forestry related information as possible for a wide range of visitors. If you are a forester, researcher, a policy maker, a conservationist, an ecologist, environmentalist, a student, a social worker or general public, we have some knowledge-based information for everyone. You will realize as you surf around our website that the SFD has several strategic thrusts. One of them is to manage the forestry resources of the province according to the principles of sustainable forest management.
In this updated version of the website, we have included a new Forest Management Information and Database System in which all the divisional and circle offices have been electronically connected to the headquarter i.e. the office of the Chief Conservator of Forests at Hyderabad, Sindh. The remote offices would submit their progress reports and other information on regular basis by using our online database system. This would surely improve the working environment of the department and assist in prompt delivery of information and quick processing, compilation, consolidation of the data. By utilizing this technology, the report generation at headquarter level for speedy dissemination of information to concerned quarters would be made easier and faster in order to assist the policy makers in taking judicious and thoughtful decisions. We have also  revived and upgraded our GIS lab and made it fully functional. It has surely enhanced the capability of the department for proper mapping of forests and to make complete database of our Mangroves forests as well as riverine forests and irrigated plantations.
We still have a long way to go but the journey towards achieving the goal of scientific forestry management practices has at least started. We have also enhanced several elements in the department's administrative tools to achieve our goals. Some of these are in the areas of legislation, protection of forestry resources, forestry research and development, training, recreation and environmental awareness.
We would also appreciate and welcome your feedback on our newly developed and upgraded website. If you have any comments, suggestions or ideas you can share them with us by sending us your feedback and comments on our website. We are open to all kinds of comments/suggestions for improving our website and overall working of the department. Because this vital renewable resource, which provides goods and services to all members of the society, besides protecting environment, deserves to be given serious consideration. This is extremely essential for economic uplift of the province in particular and the country in general.
Please feel free to contact our IT team should you have any question, comment or suggestion.
Thank you and have happy surfing.
Riaz Ahmed Wagan
Chief Conservator of Riverine & Inland Forests
Sindh, Hyderabad